måndag, april 27, 2009

A few weeks before....

I met with Susanna & Håkan yesterday to talk about their wedding, this was the first time I met with them and I was very excited. They have been planning their wedding for a long time  and they have some very good friends involved as well. I look forward to being their wedding photographer and will join them for the entire day.

måndag, april 20, 2009

Et vidunderligt par

Jeg fotograferede ved dette bryllup sidste år men syntes alligevel at dette vidunderlige par skal vises frem. Parret venter nu deres andet barn og Veronika skal nedkomme til sommer - tillykke til jer

onsdag, april 08, 2009


I said that in 2 weeks time Blombutiken would be ready with the new website and yesterday the design was approved. Marianne Carlfors, who is the owner and a very good friend of mine, is looking forward to present the new site to her customers - here you can take the first look, what do you think?
www.blombutiken.se will be listed under usefull links when it is avalible.

torsdag, april 02, 2009

Spring and lunch in Paris

I have been away from my desk but not from my camera. I went to Paris last week to meet with some friends. As you can see it is spring in France and I simply have to share it with you.